Sunday, January 11, 2009

No is the new Yes...

ok. first up.

happy new year everyone. hopefully you all had a great festive season.

last night i caught up with a very good friend of mine.
other friends of mine had suggested it was a date,
when i knew it was just catching up.
it had been a stretch of about 4 months (we worked this out last night)
dinner, movies and chatting was the agreed format.

to be honest. the burger was awesome. summer sunset
from grill'd at highpoint was great.
we were chatting and catching up on new happenings in our lives.
then came time for the movie.
My choice apparently because it was my birthday hangout.
Out of Ben Button, Twilight, Yes Man; we went with Yes Man,
expecting a movie that was funny with no real plot line.
just like we had months earlier when we went to see Pineapple Express.

Turns out we were wrong. and im glad we were.
Jim Carrey plays a guy that says no to everything when he attends
a seminar of saying yes to everything.
Turns out everything goes well for him....
...because he says yes to everything.

ive decided that this year i will be more open to things outside my usual reality
ive decided that this year things will go slower than they usually go for me...
ive decided that this year will be the Year of Jimmy Mk II since Mk I started so late.

for those that dont know Year of Jimmy Mk I was a creation of ours
to suggest that last year was going to be my year.
I decided we'll extend it and take every opportunity that comes my way.
even maybe create some.

over. and. out.